West Island Community Resource Center
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Food Assistance: Individuals and families faced with food insecurity can receive well-balanced, high quality food assistance and other related products. Members come by appointment to choose their groceries on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.
Food Donations: Food donations can be dropped off to our warehouse, 219 Labrosse ave, Pointe-Claire on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (8:30-3:30) or at one of our drop off locations:
Back to School: The back to School event takes place in August and provides new school bags, supplies and other related items to the community for those that pre-registered.
Christmas Basket and Toy Event: Takes place every December to help families during this tough time of year. The goal is to provide those registered with a turkey and food assistance to enjoy during the festive season. The toy event allows registered members to come and choose the toys for their children based on what their child would want and like. Providing some joy over the Holidays!