West Island Community Resource Center
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The Centre’s free programs complement medical intervention by addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of people living with cancer. Through the wellness programs, participants receive personal support, gain coping mechanisms, discover additional alternatives and become better educated about their cancer. Available activities include:
For more information on programs, services and how to register: https://wicwc.com/services/
Living Well with Cancer Network: A referral service for anyone seeking cancer wellness resources anywhere in Canada. Call: 514-695-9355 or toll-free number 1-833-274-9355.
Zooming into Wellness for Adults: Educational webinars featuring guest speakers on a range of cancer wellness topics. For more information or to view the webinars: https://wicwc.com/zooming-into-wellness-for-adults/
OnCourage: The communication hub and organizational tool for an individuals cancer journey. Create a personal webpage and easily share updates, photos, and stories with loved ones. For more information: https://oncourage.org/en/