The Hub
If you are a member of a West Island community table de concertation or committee and would like to access the Hub click here.
The HUB is a centralized communication platform. The place where Executive Directors & Community Organization personnel, as well as participants sitting on West Island tables & committees can conveniently seek & share practical and up to date information, plan strategically optimized events and work together towards effective and efficient resource sharing – bringing about an opportunity for greater collective action.
Then & Now
The Hub was an initiative set out by the West Island community sector prior to the coronavirus pandemic to address the needs and challenges of the non-profit & community groups. The CRC was mandated by the community to develop and implement the HUB project. The original idea of offering a tool to support the concept of an interconnected community sector specific communication portal was created, and continues to evolve, thanks to the funding of the PIC from Centraide du Grand Montréal.
Community players were ready to join their forces, their expertise and their resources in order to have a greater impact on their community as a whole. The HUB was conceived from the unified voices of community partners to bring forth a unique platform for organizations to connect and work hand in hand, alongside with the CRC, in populating, sharing and curating valuable community information. The HUB was originally designed to help these groups work more efficiently by providing them a space where they could easily share, exchange and communicate with one another.
The project itself was temporarily put on hold as the CRC pivoted and focused its energies on supporting the community groups, and citizens alike, with the many novel issues presented during this unanticipated world-changing event of the pandemic. Since then, the reality of the temporary lockdown shifts has changed the landscape of how we all interact, communicate and collaborate. Due in large part to the push for progressive electronic communication, and with the new technological maturity of those who use it, many aspects of the original plan for The HUB had become obsolete. As a result, the concept that was born from a pre-pandemic initiative is now undergoing a revitalization and simplification to meet the evolving needs and for the greater good of the West Island Community Sector.
The underlying desire for engagement and sharing in community intellect, with the objective to collaborate on initiatives to reduce poverty in the West Island, is still the key foundation that it is being built upon. Ultimately, The HUB is a collaborative portal for Executive Directors, members of Community Group Tables and Committees to provide and have access to information at a centralized location.
The success of this anticipated resource is based on the understanding that one person’s knowledge can be used to further the purpose of another. The HUB is the place where members can conveniently seek and offer practical and up to date information, understand best practices, work together towards effective and efficient resource sharing and plan strategically optimized events. It will eventually be a space to celebrate and spotlight people’s efforts, find community connections, to post “offer-up” or “seek & find” needed items, and more.